Alitsa, here are pictures of Wally - the one with my grandson was just taken when Wally was 6 month old last month.
Lori H.
Hi Alitsa,
Received your email regarding Chambray's paperwork. Thank you.
Ron and I are enjoying Chami so much! She has been so easy to train and is so loving.
Attached are some pictures.
Thanks again,
Sharon & Ron T.
I wanted to give a big THANKS from our entire family for seriously the most wonderful dog I think I have ever met and I'm not just saying that because we love him so much. Everyone that meets him is completely shocked at what a GREAT puppy he is. . He has a girlfriend next door that is 2 months older then him and she is also a golden retriever. When we had our electric fence fixed we decided to just put it around their house too so that the two of them could be together. They just love one another. One of my biggest concerns was the fact that I have 3 cats (yes we are animal freaks) and he is just wonderful with all of them. He also loves going for rides and we take him everywhere with us. He is great on the leash and loves going for walks or just hanging out at the park. We got him in time for him to go to my sons baseball games and football games which was a great way to socialize him and he just does great. People ask me all the time where we got him cause all the other dogs there are barking and just being crazy and he is just such a good listener and always so calm. I have given out your name a lot and if you ever need a reference please let me know because we would be more then happy to attest to the fact that he comes from great lines. Oh he is now a little over 5 months old and 37 pounds. I am so curious as to how big he will get. Do you have any idea when goldens are full grown. The vet said she thought around 9 months but I thought you might know.
Again thanks so much from our entire family...he is the greatest dog and a loved part of our family. I included a few pictures from when we got him and a couple that were taken a last week (one is with his girlfriend next door).
Jennifer, Jason, Kayla, and Justin F.
Hi, my name is Mary Perron. My dad is Troy Perron. We bought a golden retriever puppy from you about 3 and half years ago. His name is Murry! My family and I absolutely love him!! He is a riot! Murry is full of surprises and always brings smiles to peoples faces. We are currently hoping to find another golden. My dad and I not being able to remember your the name of your farm looked around and finally found it! We saw that you will be expecting puppies around my dad's birthday! We were wondering after they were born and old enough if we could come and see them. We are not sure about getting one,but were wondering if we could be put on the list! We are hoping to find a beautiful female! I have attached a current picture of Murry!
Thanks a Bunch
Mary and Troy
Hi Alitsa,
Mulligan (or Mully as we sometimes call him) is growing up to be a beautiful pup! Sometimes I think he looks like Chesney. And at other times, just like his mom Secret (July litter). He's a great boy. Already 36 pounds at 4-1/2 months. They get big too fast!
Good luck with your upcoming puppies! I'm sure you'll be busy with the holidays fast approaching and two litters close together. Lots of fun though!
Take care,
Renee L.
Hi Alitsa,
We just had to send you a few more pictures of Chami taken over the holidays. Our grandchildren who live in Illinois were here. The first picture is of our grandson (sitting in Chami's bed), and of course Chami just had to climb into Jon's lap. The second picture is of our granddaughter playing with Chami on her bed. The third picture is of our granddaughter playing in the snow outside with Chami. Chami is a wonderful part of every aspect of our lives.
Thank you for the gift of Chami,
Sharon & Ron T.
I would absolutely LOVE to get another one, but I just don't know if our house is big enough for another dog. Although, we do have an outdoor kennel and a fenced in back yard, which would be nice for two dogs. If you by chance don't sell out right away, which I know is unlikely, let me know and I may give it a second thought.
Finn is doing great. He's pretty much full grown now, just filling out. He's a great listener and actually a very good hunter. My dad took him to North Dakota in November and said he did really well. Lately we've been taking him with us cross country skiing on the golf course. It's so much fun watching him run freely. Attached is a picture of him maybe 6 months ago watching TV -- he loves TV.
Charlie with our 10 year old and one of him relaxing.
Jon F.
I think Kona has accepted the little bugger. He is fitting in very nicely and being a real puppy. Our vet was really impressed with how healthy and alert he is and feels he will grow into a very nice dog. We agree wholeheartedly.
Dick & Raylene
This is Brody on his first shopping spree at PetSmart. (just a tad laid back)
We have decided to call our little man Brody. We had a hard time
finding a name that fit him but yesterday I looked through all my
lists and found Brody. It seems to fit him really well.
Cassie H.
Well, Coco (Thunderstorm's litter) has been home for 3 days now. What a fun, sweet puppy! She stopped shaking right away, and tolerated her bath well. She has been an A+ potty training student! She already barks at the door to go out! I actually love training her with snow on the ground because those little yellow spots prove she's done it! I make sure she doesn't stay out more than a few minutes so she keeps from getting chilled. We are having a blast with her and love her playful moods as well as her sleepy ones. Coco likes to sleep on our feet whenever possible so I can tell she is a dog who loves people. She saw the vet on Monday and he was impressed with her and the perfect immunization records that I brought in. He said he hadn't seen a record so perfect and timely. We had neighbors lined up at the door to meet her and welcome her to the neighborhood - she was better than the Superbowl! I kept it as quiet as possible for her though after her long ride from Missouri. Here are some pictures of those first precious days at home. Thanks Alitsa, I can already tell she is going to be a great dog.
Julie, Eric, Alyssa and Emma
Chanhassen, MN

Hi Alitsa-
So great to talk with you tonight! We are thrilled to be purchasing another beautiful, intelligent, mild tempered white golden from your family. The kids are also very excited to bring home a new baby brother for Tobby. Guess our timing was perfect. I have filled out the contract, signed/dated it and written you a deposit check for $100. I will send it in the mail first thing tomorrow morning. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon and picking up our new family member.
Thank You,
Kristin A.
Chami is 1 year old on May 29th and getting prettier every day! Picture attached.
Sharon & Ron T.
Hi Alitsa, just sending you a couple photos of Lucia so you are
confident your pup is in good hands. She is doing great, (though
getting huge!) and as you can see has blended into our family quite
well! Thanks much!
Pamela M.
Hi Alitsa,
We named our little gal Ursula. She's so sweet and smart.
We get stopped all of the time from strangers asking where
she's from and what kind of dog she is. We're so happy
with her.
She's already 34#s!
Susan , Elsa and Ian
The latest pics of the little [41 lbs] bugger. He's not yet 5 months [May 9th] but he almost seems like a miniature adult because he doesn't do everything a normal puppy might. We cross our fingers every day that he doesn't lapse into chewing everything in sight, run away when he's outside or have accidents in the house. However, yesterday he did chase a butterfly into the trees and wouldn't come until Ray went and got him back into the yard.
Hi Alitsa-
Here are some pictures of Brinkley, from Chesney and Nikes' May 09 litter. He is absolutely wonderfu - even as a puppy has been such a good boyl; our family and neighbors adore him, and he is the center of our world! He took to water like a fish, and could fetch a ball for hours if we let him. We would recommend you to anyone who would ask - he is great with kids, obedient, and a 68 pound lap dog (he was the biggest in the litter!) full of love. Thank you so much!
Kim & Kevin M.
Hi Alitsa,
Well these last few months have just flown by! Sorry we haven't emailed you sooner, but time has just seemed to escape us! Things have been going great! We named our puppy Sophie. She has been just wonderful. She has quickly become a part of the family, and we couldn't imagine our lives without her in them! When we asked for an energetic dog, we definitely got one! She loves her walks around Como Lake, racing around our yard, and playing in our big open basement.
The training has gone well, although she is easily distracted! (Which is most puppies of course!) She just graduated from Senior Puppy Kindergarden. It was a great time for her and us. The one thing that did take a while to get her used to was her kennel. She is still not thrilled when it is time to go in it, but she has gotten so much better. There were a few long nights when we first brought her home though!!
Sophie is as healthy as can be. There have been no health issues at all. She is currently at the vet being spade. After this she will be all done with her vet visits for the year. Quick question, do I need to send you the paperwork from her surgery? I think I remember you saying for her to be fully registered we needed to send some things to you after she was spade. Just let us know, we will send whatever you may need.
She will be going on her first vacation with us in two weeks when we make our annual family trip to Lake of the Woods in Sioux Narrows, Canada! It should be a great experience for her. Her cousin Lily, my uncle's black lab, will also be there. They are becoming great friends!
I have attached some photos of Sophie over the last few months. I hope you enjoy them! Thank you so much for the wonderful puppy. She has really been a great joy in our life!
Dustin and LeAnn S.
Just wanted you to know that Sisca has become a wonderful part of our family since we picked her up in June. She is getting along famously with our other golden, Basil, who is 9 years old - they wrestle and play constantly! I attached a couple of pictures of Sisca and Basil for fun. Thanks again!
Matt Rosheim
Hi Alitsa. Hope all is well.
Dylan's doing great...can't believe how fast she's growing up....she's been with us for almost 5 months now and we've loved every moment. She's a beautiful pup with tons of energy. See attached for some recent photos.
She loves the outdoors and has recently taken up swimming. I think she's ready for the puppy olympics.
Boy is she getting big....she's at 55lbs already and still plenty of skin to grow in to:)
On Thursday we're taking her to get spayed. What documentation of this will you need from us for release of final registration papers? Let me know and we'll be sure to follow up once the procedure is complete.
Have you heard from any of Dylan's siblings? We hope they're all doing well.
Thanks again for everything. Look forward to hearing from you.
Rob P.
Hi Alitsa,
As promised, attached are current photos of Gracie from Prada & Bentley's
first litter, born on 10-30-08. Gracie has been such a delight and joy to
our family! As you can see, she's grown to be a very pretty girl! She
loves her daily walks, running at the dog park and chasing the tennis
ball! She also enjoys naps at the top of the stairs! It's hard for us to
believe that she'll be 2 already come October! People always tells us how
pretty she is and ask where we got her. I've given out your web site on
more than one occasion! She's just a sweetheart and stole our hearts the
day we brought her home! We are excited to chose a "brother" for her and
know that she'll adjust well as she loves other dogs!
Thanks, Alitsa, and we'll be seeing you soon!
Diane & Marty W.
Hey Alitsa,
Just wanted to send you a quick update. Mulligan just celebrated his first birthday at the end of July (Secret/Chesney July '09 litter). A couple of days later he came with us on his first camping trip. He got the opportunity to swim in the lake for his first time and LOVED it!! He was so excited to fetch the stick over, and over when Matt tossed it. I attached a picture of him waiting patiently for the next toss. Also, one of him with our son. He's so loved by our family and just a beautiful boy!!
Thanks again,
Hi Alitsa,
Thought you'd enjoy seeing some pics of Gracie & Wrigley. Wrigley's been
with us only 3 weeks now, but he's already found a special place in our
hearts and home! Gracie loved him the moment she saw him! I like to
lovingly refer to them at "Bentley's kids"!! They are really very sweet
Thanks for providing us with yet another wonderful Golden!!
Diane & Marty W.
Hi Alitsa,
We love our new puppy. We named him Watson. He's very curious and the name fits him well. Mylie absolutely adores him. He's a lot more advanced than Mylie was at his age. He was running up stairs the day we brought him home and he already comes when we call him and stands at the door to go outside. Maybe because Mylie is teaching him?
He and Mylie love to wrestle and Watson is definitely the instigator. He will crouch down and then pounce on her when she's not looking. It's really funny.
The vet says he's very healthy, and he has such a nice temperament. Like Mylie, he didn't cry at all when he got shots or had his exam. In fact, he just slept on the table for most of it.
He is SOOO FLUFFY!!! We've seen a few other golden puppies (from other breeders) and they don't look ½ as cute as Watson. Why is that that he's so much fluffier than other goldens??
Here are a couple of pictures, and we've also started a blog because everyone loves the puppy stories we have.
Next Sunday he's getting some professional photos taken (like Mylie had) so I'll have some cute ones to send you next week.
Thanks again!!
Susie W.
Heather K. and Family
With their dog Leo at 8 months
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Kimball's.
Dick & Raylene with Kona & KC
I enjoyed subbing for you at McKinley last week! I heard that you talked to Alex on Thursday and requested pictures of our wonderful pup that we got from you.
Yogi was #4 in the May 29th 2009 Prada/Bentley litter. I couldn’t imagine a better first dog for us. I was worried about having a medium sized dog in the house but he is so well behaved! He’s very social with people and other dogs too. He plays in the snow, loves the water, and is a great walking and running companion-even “off leash”! His favorite games are fetch, hide-n-seek, tag, and the shell game. He loves to play with any dog he encounters and tries to get them to play tug of war. We absolutely love him! I’ve attached a couple pictures.
Laura K.
Hi Alitsa & Family,
Enclosed are pictures of our boys Chester & Willow.
We are so happy to have them as part of our family. They are 5 months now and are getting big. Chester is 38 lbs and Willow is 42 lbs.
They graduated from puppy kindergarten at the top of their class. Everyone is amazed at how smart they are. We can't wait to take them camping and swimming although they do like the snow. We take them to the dog park several times a week and they get along with all the other dogs very well. Our daughter's Aussie Harry, is their best friend. The pictures are from 10 weeks to 5 months.
We have been blessed.
Thank you & take care,
Douglas, Dawn,
Chester & W.
Hi Alitsa & Family,
Just an update on the boys. They will be 10 months old on August 12 and they are the greatest. We take them camping every weekend & they really enjoy it. Willow likes to have his own chair for relaxing in camp and Chester loves the water. When someone new comes to the campground the other campers tell them they have to go see the "two white dogs". People are amazed at how calm and well trained they are and they are still puppies!
Hope you are having a good summer!
Douglas, Dawn
Chester & Willow
Hi Alitsa,
Just a note with a photo. KC has grown into a very loving and active dog. I can now walk him without leash and he doesn't much more than 10' away from me, except when he and Kona see a squirrel. He really likes to run when allowed, especially at the high school football practice fields. His energy reminds me of Bentley.
Sean's Bailey has won over his heart and is becoming a very nice hound . Once Sean got the food issue Bailey seemed to develop he has started to really grow. I don't think he will be a very thick dog but he is gorgeous. His personality and looks are more like Nikes than Bentley. However, when he and KC get together, it is non-stop puppy play fighting, even from the day we brought him home at about eight weeks.
We enjoy both dogs and our older dog Kona has accepted both with no reservations. When walking we get lots of compliments and requests to hug & pet. Have a great summer.
Dick (Park Rapids, MN.)
Hi Alitsa!
Thought I'd share a pic of Leonard at five months! He is absolutely the sweetest dog and so smart; we completely adore him.
Thank you and Happy 4th!
Lindsay and Adam
Hi Alitsa!
We are having so much fun with Punch (Nikes and Bentley - January 30th litter). He has been a fantastic new addition to our family. I am so surprised how calm he is even as a 4 month old puppy! We have been taking him to obedience classes and he's smart too! I feel like we are skipping the puppy stage ;) Here's a picture of him with his favorite toy - his cat in the hat. He LOVES it. He holds it like a baby blanket and will put it in his mouth and puppy whine with it. It's adorable!
I just wanted to let you know Punch had his surgery on Wednesday, June 1st. Do you need a copy of the billing statement? I forgot what you needed to have. Let me know.
Thanks, so much!
Hey Alitsa,
Just wanted to give you a rundown on how great Storm is doing. The 3.5 hour car ride went pretty good. He was extremely nervous that first day of me and his new home until he saw his new brothers. Once he saw Wynston and Bentley I could tell some of the anxiety disappeared. He's been clomping around after them ever since.... and hasn't learned how to "put on the breaks" yet so Bentley does a GREAT job chewing him out. Wynston has way more patience w/ him. :)
He was seen by my Vet yesterday. She went ahead and gave him his booster that he was due to have tomorrow. He's adjusting well and has been spoiled rotten! He's done awesome sleeping through the whole night w/o crying and he's doing great w/ potty training... only 1 accident in his kennel. We're working on learning some simple things like his name, walking on a leash and off, sitting and coming. I usually take him for a walk before we start training... he focuses so much better after he burns off some of that puppy energy.
Some of his favorite things so far are treats, his new blanky, treats, attacking my hastas, treats, chasing Wyn and Bentley, playing w/ his retrieving dummy...and treats! He spends his mornings outside in the big screened in porch while I'm at work... comes inside while I eat lunch... and happily goes back out for the afternoon.
My family loves him just as much as I do. My nieces and nephews have been over quite a bit and love giving him snuggles! He just fits perfectly here and I'm excited to have so much space for him to grow up in.
I attached a few pics for you!
Thanks again!
Hi Alitsa –
Just an update on Jem – she was from your January litter – Nikes and Bentley. Wow, all we can say is she is awesome. What a sweet temperament. Even our vet commented on that from the first time she was in to get her shots. She is so great with the kids, she’s really smart and truly just a lover. She had a bit of an adjustment to the kennel – that took some time, but other than that, she has been wonderful. She’s already doing “come” and “stay” most of the time and did sit from the first couple weeks at home.
Attached are some pics so you can see how beautiful she is (everyone tells us that all the time). Every day she watches Jake go off to school at the door, it makes him so happy that she misses him so much. We absolutely love her, and are so thankful for her to be a part of our family.
Thanks for the great work you do!
Please feel free to post this on your website and we’d recommend you to anyone! Especially families with kids or those who have had a golden before and are trying to find a good breeder.
We’ll keep in touch once her spay is complete.
Thanks Alitsa
Hello Alitsa,
Here are some pictures of Lola- she was born June 2nd of 2004.
We live in Burnsville but some of these are taken at our lake place in Willmar. Lola's favorite place to be.
I loved the pictures of the puppies feeding in the chair with the mom- now I know where she gets her fancy habits from. ;-) She has been the best dog ever and everyone who meets her says the same thing.
Keep me posted on the new litter. Thanks again!
Alyssa M.
Hi Alitsa,
Thought you'd enjoy seeing some pics of Gracie & Wrigley. Wrigley's been
with us only 3 weeks now, but he's already found a special place in our
hearts and home! Gracie loved him the moment she saw him! I like to
lovingly refer to them at "Bentley's kids"!! They are really very sweet
Thanks for providing us with yet another wonderful Golden!!
Diane & Marty